Yellow Sun ~ 0/20
Think for a moment about the power of the Sun. All life on this planet exists because of Grandfather Sun. If his light goes out the screen will read GAME OVER!
In the Mayan 20 Count (which I live my life by) 0 represents nothing and everything ~ the void. On the Mayan Calendar I follow there are 20 Solar Tribes ~ archetypes which are keys for human evolution. Yellow Sun is tone 20 - the end.
...And yet, it is the beginning too. It takes us back to zero (the TRUE power of the Universe). Hence, the term "things come full circle". Sun represents the alpha and the omega ~ the zero and the 20.
We have entered the 13 day wavespell ~ Yellow Sun guided by Universal Fire
Surf this wave of cosmic energy which runs from Tuesday, May 18 through Sunday, May 30 (Gregorian Calendar).
Here are the keywords for this energy:
Enlightens - Universal Fire - Life
My friends at Skytime say it best..."Yellow Sun provokes us to honor the Solar Life Force that sustains our Planetary Whole. As our local star, the Sun is the lens through which we receive radiant emanations of energy/information transmitted from the center of the galaxy (Hunab Ku). Let us receive the majesty of this Universal Fire, that it may ignite and enlighten our inner Sun - our internal source of Divine Light. May we awaken to the precious reality of who we truly are - sparks of the same great fire of Life which illuminates eternity.
"Yellow Sun signifies both Zero and Twenty, presenting a union of formless potential ansd formed wholeness; nothingness and totality! Zero is empty so that it may hold everything. When we hold to nothing - no prides or fears - we consciously merge with life's Totality. By releasing all the layers of personal identification and conditioning, we can rest in the sacred emptiness of our essence - pure Life!
"Foregoing the attainment of concepts of "enlightenment" we discover our True Nature is enlightened. Let us release the striving for betterment, and accept the awesome actuality that already is! Allow the universal fire to burn away doubt and debate. All questions are answered by the searing truth of that which we've always been - the zero; formless consciousness; wholeness."~ Skytime
Receive the powerful light emanations from Grandfather Sun and shine your highest light at this time! The Cherokee (we trace back to the Maya) call it "Being in your Shining."
In'Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)
~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui