Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands
I awakened Saturday morning at 6:00 Aloha Time to participate in an international conference call featuring Mayanist, Carl Calleman, and a host of presenters. The call was to celebrate and energize our individual and collective vibration at the midpoint of the Second Day; in this 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar.
I am still reeling (in a good way) from the RAW POWER of that call! I'm still looking into a link or phone number so that others may participate, as I know that the call was recorded. For more details about the group that hosted this gathering:
I have also been working on the power of human synergy ~ knowing that the total is greater than the sum of the parts; and have come up with some startling realizations.
There is no synergy in 1. Synergy begins with 2; hence even the biblical reference, "Where two or more are gathered...". Let me give a very simple example of the difference in math as we know it and synergy: 1 + 1 = 2 (addition/math), OR 1 + 1 = 3 (synergy).
As a relationship counselor, I know that a couple is actually 3 distinct energies; ie. you, I and
US! That third energy,
US!, is greater than the sum of the parts. The sum of the parts is 1 + 1 = 2 (you and I), but the total energies present is synergy: 1(You) + 1(I) +1(US) = 3.
The most amazing thing about Human Synergy to me is the fact that it adds up quickly - literally exponentially. I'm going to paste in the chart I've been working on up to the synergy of 33 people.
It's all about the synergy!
by Amber Lightfoot
1= 1 (there's no synergy here)
2 = 3 * this is where synergy begins, (you, me and us). math 1 + 1 = 2; synergy 1 + 1 = 3
3 = 7
4 = 15
5 = 31
6 = 63
7 = 127
8 = 255
9 = 511
10 = 1023
11 = 2047
12 = 4095
13 = 8191
14 = 16,383
15 = 32,767
16 = 65,535
17 = 131,071
18 = 262,143
(18 is the synergy to reach 144,000 prophecy)
19 = 524,287
20 = 1,048,575 (million)
21 = 2,097,151
22 = 4,194,303
23 = 8,388,607
24 = 16,777,215
25 = 33,554,431
26 = 67,108,863
27 = 134,216,727
28 = 268,433,455
29 = 536,866,911
30 = 1,073,733,823 (billion)
31 = 2,147,467,647
32 = 4,294,935,295
33 = 8,589,870,591
So why did I stop at 33? Because the synergy of 33 people is greater than all of the humans currently existing on Planet Earth at 8,589,870,591. Let that sink in for a bit...
When we gather by the hundreds, the numbers are so vast, it defies our imagination! I had to calculate by hand after about 40 or 50, the calculators couldn't handle such large numbers.
I'll be doing a full post on Human Synergy this week on my personal blog. Stay tuned...
It is my hope that we continue to gather in Peace, Love and Healing during this 9th Wave of Unity Consciousness ~ We are far greater collectively than we have ever imagined!
Surf's UP - Power to the People!
~ Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...