The Full Moon was exact at 8:18 pm tonight (Aloha Time on Maui). I heard it referred to as the "Wolf Full Moon" on a local station. Gotta do some research on that for two reasons; I'm an amateur astronomer and I carry "Wolf Medicine" from my Native American Tradition.
There has been a very "dreamy" energy for the past week or more. I'll bet it's due to the Blue Night Wavespell! See the previous post for more on that.
Hopefully you have been experiencing abundance, and it is peaking now (due to Full Moon). There's still some awesome "receiving time" until February 3rd, when we begin the Yellow Warrior 13-day wavespell.
Working with the Moon cycles this year as well as the Hawaiian Tide Calendar is already proving to be an interesting study, and not at all what I expected. I'll keep you posted...no pun intended!
In'Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)
~ Blissin' Out on Maui
I'm laughing that it's 11:44 pm (Aloha Time), and still 1/29/2010 here ~ YET my post already says Saturday. It really was an impish Blue Monkey day ~ rofl. ~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui