Monday, June 13, 2011

2012: We Are the Living Prophecy!

"Once one has heard about 2012,
one is called to action to help define the new reality." 
 ~ Dr. Jose Arguelles

*see info at bottom of post ~ World Protection Belt

I recently found the following information on the back of the Mayan Calendar that I've followed for 9 years - the 13 Moon Natural Time Calendar:

"As we firmly head towards the prophetic synchronization date of December 21, 2012, we are all invited to link hearts and minds to generate a telepathic field of love and peace that stabilizes our transition beyond the "cycle of history," (B.C. 3114-2012 A.D.) into the new phase of our galactic-solar-planetary evolution.

Rather than expecting some product or circumstance to arrive Ancients that these are the critical moments to bring our inspiration and empowerment to the fore.

We are the ones honored to be living in these moments of the Closing of the Great Cycle.  The art of peace is our mission in these transitional times of shifting world ages.

As agents of awakening, we are here to beautify our shared life!  With courage and compassion,  may we arise into our full creative capacities.  May we know the worth of the art of our being that emerges through our hearts.

As a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern revelation, this solar-lunar-galactic calendar offers us a new time liens, a new cosmic context, a new paradigm model to support the unfolding of a new culture that lives in phase with the intelligence of nature.

This calendar system is utilized by people in 90 countries around the world, fulfilling the prophecy of the Return to Living in Natural Time!  Knowing that a calendar is the central organizing instrument of global society, we are realizing the way we frame and relate to time impacts our minds, every day programming our sense of reality.

In alignment with the shifting of world age cycles, we are choosing a calendar that synchronizes us in harmony with the cycles of the Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, and our own telepathic nature, guiding us to manifest a global collective dedicated to peaceful, inspired connectivity and positive cultural transformation.

This powerful tool strengthens our own intuitive sense of timing, and assists us in sensing and respecting the sacred nature of all existence.  In learning this new language of harmony, we realize the codes of natural time are alive - speaking through the calendar, and revealing themselves within our own bodies and minds!

Special thanks to Eden Sky for sharing her Beauty and Wisdom throughout the many cycles I've been blessed to travel with her impeccable foresight and guidance!

Deepest Love and Gratitude,
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise


from the photo above...

* Join people around the world in visualizing ~ The World Protection Belt ~ 
"The Rainbow Bridge Around the Earth is the Vision of a Healed Earth, and the Vision that Heals the Earth." 
~ Dr. Jose Arguelles

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

9th Wave via Ian Lungold ~ 20-day Waves!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands...

Recently I viewed a YouTube done by the late Ian Lungold, Mayanist which outlined a new view of the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar (see my last post).  In Ian's model - the 9th Wave began on February 10, 2011 and ends on October 28, 2011 (the same day as Carl Calleman's end date).

The difference between these two systems is that Ian's model calls for 20-day waves for each of the 13 Heavens (still 7 days and 6 nights), vs. Carl's 18-day cycles.  From working with the Traditional Mayan Calendar, and Hunbatz Men; there are several numbers which continually arise.  Some of those numbers are 7, 13, 20, 26, and 52; and their multiples.

From working with the Tzolkin and the 20 Solar Tribes (from the 13 Moon Calendar via Jose Arguelles), the system that is singing to me at this time, is the Ian Lungold system.  I also lived my life based on the Mayan Twenty Count for the past decade or more, and have found it to be right on point as a divination tool.

As a Cherokee, I have been taught that we trace back to the Maya, and that the Maya trace back to the Pleiades.  I am open to overlay the multiple systems, and determine which is working with my body shifts, and the external worldly signals and patterns.


 I'll be back with more information from overlaying the 18-day and 20-day waves.

~ Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

Friday, June 3, 2011


Mayan Calendar 101

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands.  I have worked with the Mayan Calendar for over 9 Gregorian years now...and a video that I watched last night rocked my socks off!

Ian Lungold of Mayan Magix appeared during a workshop (apparently from 2005), giving insights about the 8th and 9th Waves.  Arrange your schedule to view this informative video ~ he was really funny too.

Ian was right on point about the energies, the timing, and most important of all ~ how to effectively surf the 9th Wave of Unity Consciousness, as we are in the midst of momentous change.  He has practical advice for staying centered right now, and consciously moving toward Co-Creation Consciousness.


Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise

Monday, May 23, 2011

Now on Facebook!

I've finally gotten a Facebook presence for 12-22-2012 Blog.

screenshot from the new Facebook Page

Here's the link to like us on Facebook.

There's so much information popping so fast now, that I feel the Facebook presence will allow me to update news and insights more swiftly, and to share info from other awesome 2012 sources too.

~ Amber Blissin Out in Paradise

Monday, May 16, 2011

In Memorium ~ Jose Arguelles

Things have been happening so swiftly, I'm several posts behind where I'd like to be.  Jose Arguelles passed away on March 23, 2011, and I'd like to pay tribute to this icon who forever changed my life.

Despite being initially introduced to the Mayan Calendar by Hunbatz Men, the person that got me totally immersed in the Mayan Calendar is Jose Arguelles.  My introduction came via the the game, Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, and was furthered by the book ~ The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, both by Jose.

The game gave me a wonderful galactic history lesson, and piqued my curiosity about a new realm of time.  ...A different way of being with time, and the cycles of nature was refreshingly new to me ~ in a really good way.  I looked up my Galactic Signature, and was hooked on the Mayan Calendar from that day forward.

Jose was the initiator of the Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation back in August of 1987, and was the inspiration for Earth Day, and the 13 Moon Natural Calendar.  I followed the calendar for 8 Gregorian years, and literally got into the rhythm and intent of the calendar.

One of my favorite somersault of thought moments is the saying, "Time is Art".  A truly beautiful and powerful shift of mental energy from Time is Money to Time is Art paradigm.

The calendar shifted my concept of time, my interactions with the world and others, and most vital of all, my energy vibration within myself.  Slowly but surely "the hurry disease" slipped away, and I could feel myself vibrating in harmony with Grandmother Earth and the entire cosmos.  Sweeeeeeeeeeet!

There is no doubt that changing my calendar changed my life, and I will always be grateful to Jose for my personal shift.  

Here is a beautiful poem written in Jose Arguelles' honor by Eden Sky of Skytime and the 13 Moon Calendar.

* We honor you, José *
Standing we honor you *
with candles bright with Buddha's clear mind we honor you *
with stargazer flowers opening wide we honor you *
with ancient crystals humming we honor you *
with white stones from Palenque meditating we honor you *
with spiraling shells from Lake Atitlan we honor you *
with turtles, owls, globes, and roerich peace symbols we honor you *
with fragrance of copal ascending we honor you *
with pools of moonlit water resting we honor you *
with obsidian staffs vigilant we honor you *
with feathers of winged messengers bright we honor you *
with the power of the 7 galactic directions we honor you *
with the one sun blazing in our blood we honor you *
with the Earth shaking we honor you *
with the sky covered in rainbow bridges we honor you *
with silence we honor you *
with tears wet with loyalty and gratitude and grief like a crying cloud who lost a kin, we honor you *
with the presence of your fierce brilliance like an Arcturian sword in our hands we honor you *
with a banner of galactic culture raised around the one biosphere, we honor you *
with codes of time engraved in our mind, we honor you *
with the hug of our presence united in this family of awakening hearts -
one time one earth one people -
we honor you, forever...
Beloved José Argüelles
I will carry this torch
I have received from You
High and Bright...

Eden Sky,
Red Self-Existing Skywalker


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Half way through the 4th Heaven...Join the Call tonight!

OMG!  Time is flying faster and faster it seems.  The Mayan Calendar via Calleman's interpretation is zipping along, with us midway through the second night (or 4th Heaven) of the 9th and final wave of Unity Consciousness.

Tree of Life and Cycle Keepers, are hosting a call this evening at 6:00PM Pacific featuring Dr. Shumsky.  Please see their info below:

"Dr. Susan Shumsky will lead a deep meditation for the midpoint of Night 2 of the 9th Wave. As we move from the germination of the 9th wave--Unity Consciousness--into its sprouting, we open to the potential of what we can be as individuals and as a planet. That potential can be known by asking our higher self, in meditation, "What is our true purpose?" If we can discover that during this period of germination, then when we begin sprout, our direction will become clear. We will know with certainty what is the true divine plan of our lives. As a result, we will become capable of making wise decisions in our lives, purposefully, with peaceful confidence. During this meditation, we will begin to discover what that purpose is."

Call from 6:00 - 7:30 PM Pacific

(424) 203-8075 code 822940#

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My take on surfing the wave so far...

It literally seems like only yesterday that the 9th Wave swept in, March 9th...and then the intensity began.  Volcanoes erupting, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and most disturbing of all - nuclear disaster via Fukushima.  And yet, looking back at all the intensity ~ what I saw emerge is deep love and compassion.  People cared for and about one another (physically, mentally, SPIRITUALLY!, financially), and we "got it" on another level about care for our Grandmother Planet, Earth!

Finally the "aha moment" where we truly understand (cellularly vs. cerebral) that we are ONE!  We all live beneath the very same sun and stars.  We breathe the same air and drink the same water, and co-create the field of consciousness known as "right here, right now!"

As I embrace the next 9 days of the second night (and that deep womb-space within the cycle), I delight in the new loving unity I see in our world.  I set intentions to birth more of that too.  I dream awake a world where Time = Art, and we delve deeply into our passions and purspose (individually and collectively).  And so it is!

In Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

* Be sure to get copies of the wave charts from my previous post

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2012 Collective Calls ~ Join the Synergy


Yesterday's post mentioned a GREAT call which took place on Saturday for the midpoint of the Second Day of the 9th wave.  Here is the link to participate via their recording.  Once on the page, the link to the recording is to the left.

click this to go to the call

This call ROCKS!  Set a Sacred Space for yourself and the many powerful Ceremonies led from a variety of Traditions.  Buckle up for the Meditation led by Stuart Mooney, Jr.!  I can honestly say that I will never be the same again ~ IN A GOOD WAY.


Today at 8:00 PM Eastern - James and Salle Redfield will be hosting a group meditation on the Mayan Calendar, entitled Continued Prayer for Unity Consciousness.  James is the Author of The Celestine Prophecy, and most recently The Twelfth Insight.  Here's the link to tap into the call via live webcast (which happens every two weeks).

or call: 212-461-5860 or 646-519-5860, and the caller id: 6999#

Tap in, it's always Powerful and Fun!


Much Love, 
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise


Monday, April 25, 2011

Fabulous Human Synergy ~ A Divine Ride!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands

I awakened Saturday morning at 6:00 Aloha Time to participate in an international conference call featuring Mayanist, Carl Calleman, and a host of presenters.  The call was to celebrate and energize our individual and collective vibration at the midpoint of the Second Day; in this 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar.

I am still reeling (in a good way) from the RAW POWER of that call!  I'm still looking into a link or phone number so that others may participate, as I know that the call was recorded.  For more details about the group that hosted this gathering:



I have also been working on the power of human synergy ~ knowing that the total is greater than the sum of the parts; and have come up with some startling realizations.

There is no synergy in 1.  Synergy begins with 2; hence even the biblical reference, "Where two or more are gathered...".  Let me give a very simple example of the difference in math as we know it and synergy: 1 + 1 = 2 (addition/math), OR 1 + 1 = 3  (synergy).

As a relationship counselor, I know that a couple is actually 3 distinct energies; ie. you, I and US! That third energy, US!, is greater than the sum of the parts.  The sum of the parts is 1 + 1 = 2 (you and I), but the total energies present is synergy: 1(You) + 1(I) +1(US) = 3.

The most amazing thing about Human Synergy to me is the fact that it adds up quickly - literally exponentially.  I'm going to paste in the chart I've been working on up to the synergy of 33 people.


It's all about the synergy!
by Amber Lightfoot

1= 1 (there's no synergy here)
2 = 3 * this is where synergy begins, (you, me and us).  math 1 + 1 = 2; synergy 1 + 1 = 3
3 = 7
4 = 15
5 = 31
6 = 63
7 = 127
8 = 255
9 = 511
10 = 1023
11 = 2047
12 = 4095
13 = 8191
14 = 16,383
15 = 32,767
16 = 65,535
17 = 131,071
18 = 262,143 
(18 is the synergy to reach 144,000 prophecy)
19 = 524,287
20 = 1,048,575 (million)
21 = 2,097,151
22 = 4,194,303
23 = 8,388,607
24 = 16,777,215
25 = 33,554,431
26 = 67,108,863
27 = 134,216,727
28 = 268,433,455
29 = 536,866,911
30 = 1,073,733,823 (billion)
31 = 2,147,467,647
32 = 4,294,935,295
33 = 8,589,870,591


So why did I stop at 33?  Because the synergy of 33 people is greater than all of the humans currently existing on Planet Earth at 8,589,870,591.  Let that sink in for a bit...

When we gather by the hundreds, the numbers are so vast, it defies our imagination!  I had to calculate by hand after about 40 or 50, the calculators couldn't handle such large numbers.

I'll be doing a full post on Human Synergy this week on my personal blog.  Stay tuned... 

It is my hope that we continue to gather in Peace, Love and Healing during this 9th Wave of Unity Consciousness ~ We are far greater collectively than we have ever imagined!

Surf's UP - Power to the People!

~ Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Third Heaven ~ third day of the second Day!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands

Beginning 2 days ago on April 14, 2011, we began the Third Heaven, in this 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar via Carl Calleman's model.  The Ninth Wave began on 3/9/11 and will run through 13 Heavens, culminating on 10/28/11.  Be sure to see my last post for great charts to download and review.

13 Heavens of the Ninth Wave ~ Seven Days and Six Nights

We are all feeling the time/energy speedup, and at this time more than ever before in Human History, it is vital that we wake up in this Dream, and consciously surf the wave(s) of Enlightenment.  The end of the Mayan Calendar (and choose the date that resonates with your heart ~ whether 10/28/11 or 12/21/12 or... tomorrow!), heralds the end of the Old Age, and the beginning of a New Golden Age!

...And frankly, not a moment too soon.  As we prepare for individual, and most important of all, collective ascension, we have recently been presented with intense challenges.  These are truly clearing the last of our Karmic Contracts (again individually and collectively), then achieving the Perfect Zero State, and finally writing/actualizing our new Dharmic Book of Life.  Powerful times indeed.

Below is a YouTube I discovered, 2011: Year of Illuminationand wanted to share so that others may know (like I did while viewing it), that what we are feeling is validated, by the perceptions and experiences of others.  This 2011 message is from energy worker and channeler, Lee Harris.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!  Keep shining your light, as we ride this wave up for 15 more days.

...Stay tuned for an awesome post from my friend Mark.  It will rock you.

Lotsa Love and Gratitude,
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Surfing the 9th Wave of Unity Consciousness


Be sure to get this pdf!  Click for the download.

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands.  With the time speed up, I realized that I hadn't blogged in a long time.  In fact my last blog was about the One Love Festival in Japan, November of last year (2010).  

Japan is in the forefront of the news now, and the recent events there have forever changed our world!  Just another example of the time speed up.  In fact the events in Japan occurred at the beginning of this ninth wave, and final wave of the Mayan Calendar.

...And I can assure you that there will be NO slowing down either.  As of March 9, 2011 we have begun the ninth and final wave of the Mayan Calendar (according to the Carl Calleman version). 

See the chart below for the timing of this 20-times-faster cycle of 13 heavens.  By clicking the picture link below, you will be taken to a pdf file which you may print and refer to again and again.  Feel free to distribute this freely.

This is the chart I received from Carl Calleman on 4/6/11.

The ninth, and final wave of the Mayan Calendar, began on 3/9/11 and ends 10/28/11.  The ninth wave (like all other previous waves) contains 13 Heavens, with 7 days alternating with 6 nights.  This wave is both powerful and swift!  Surf's Up and I have provided a tool below to assist you in searching these 13 waves-within-a-wave.

Click here for an awesome pdf file which explains how to work with these thirteen 18-day cycles to receive the maximum results.  I see this as a blueprint for manifestation.

A great thing to do is to overlay the ninth wave chart, the 2011 pdf file above, and the Excel file here.  Watch the energies of the days and nights from previous cycles for a clue as to how energies will unfold and shift within our current 9th wave.

My view on the days and nights, is that the days are/run masculine energy, and the nights are/run feminine energy.  We take action in the days, and integrate the energies and dream/plan the next cycle during the nights.  The next day cycle, we would actualize the energies which were integrated in the prior night.  And on and on until the 7th day (13th Heaven), and the end of the Mayan Calendar on 10/28/11.

The waves are here - and now we know the timing of the wave sets (every 18 days).  …So, surf's up.  Hang ten and ride the wave!

Lotsa Love and Gratitude,
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise