Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Half way through the 4th Heaven...Join the Call tonight!

OMG!  Time is flying faster and faster it seems.  The Mayan Calendar via Calleman's interpretation is zipping along, with us midway through the second night (or 4th Heaven) of the 9th and final wave of Unity Consciousness.

Tree of Life and Cycle Keepers, are hosting a call this evening at 6:00PM Pacific featuring Dr. Shumsky.  Please see their info below:

"Dr. Susan Shumsky will lead a deep meditation for the midpoint of Night 2 of the 9th Wave. As we move from the germination of the 9th wave--Unity Consciousness--into its sprouting, we open to the potential of what we can be as individuals and as a planet. That potential can be known by asking our higher self, in meditation, "What is our true purpose?" If we can discover that during this period of germination, then when we begin ...to sprout, our direction will become clear. We will know with certainty what is the true divine plan of our lives. As a result, we will become capable of making wise decisions in our lives, purposefully, with peaceful confidence. During this meditation, we will begin to discover what that purpose is."

Call from 6:00 - 7:30 PM Pacific

(424) 203-8075 code 822940#

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My take on surfing the wave so far...

It literally seems like only yesterday that the 9th Wave swept in, March 9th...and then the intensity began.  Volcanoes erupting, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and most disturbing of all - nuclear disaster via Fukushima.  And yet, looking back at all the intensity ~ what I saw emerge is deep love and compassion.  People cared for and about one another (physically, mentally, SPIRITUALLY!, financially), and we "got it" on another level about care for our Grandmother Planet, Earth!

Finally the "aha moment" where we truly understand (cellularly vs. cerebral) that we are ONE!  We all live beneath the very same sun and stars.  We breathe the same air and drink the same water, and co-create the field of consciousness known as "right here, right now!"

As I embrace the next 9 days of the second night (and that deep womb-space within the cycle), I delight in the new loving unity I see in our world.  I set intentions to birth more of that too.  I dream awake a world where Time = Art, and we delve deeply into our passions and purspose (individually and collectively).  And so it is!

In Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise...

* Be sure to get copies of the wave charts from my previous post

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