Despite being initially introduced to the Mayan Calendar by Hunbatz Men, the person that got me totally immersed in the Mayan Calendar is Jose Arguelles. My introduction came via the the game, Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, and was furthered by the book ~ The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, both by Jose.
The game gave me a wonderful galactic history lesson, and piqued my curiosity about a new realm of time. ...A different way of being with time, and the cycles of nature was refreshingly new to me ~ in a really good way. I looked up my Galactic Signature, and was hooked on the Mayan Calendar from that day forward.
Jose was the initiator of the Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation back in August of 1987, and was the inspiration for Earth Day, and the 13 Moon Natural Calendar. I followed the calendar for 8 Gregorian years, and literally got into the rhythm and intent of the calendar.
One of my favorite somersault of thought moments is the saying, "Time is Art". A truly beautiful and powerful shift of mental energy from Time is Money to Time is Art paradigm.
The calendar shifted my concept of time, my interactions with the world and others, and most vital of all, my energy vibration within myself. Slowly but surely "the hurry disease" slipped away, and I could feel myself vibrating in harmony with Grandmother Earth and the entire cosmos. Sweeeeeeeeeeet!
There is no doubt that changing my calendar changed my life, and I will always be grateful to Jose for my personal shift.
* We honor you, José *
Standing we honor you *with candles bright with Buddha's clear mind we honor you *
with stargazer flowers opening wide we honor you *
with ancient crystals humming we honor you *
with white stones from Palenque meditating we honor you *
with spiraling shells from Lake Atitlan we honor you *
with turtles, owls, globes, and roerich peace symbols we honor you *
with fragrance of copal ascending we honor you *
with pools of moonlit water resting we honor you *
with obsidian staffs vigilant we honor you *
with feathers of winged messengers bright we honor you *
with the power of the 7 galactic directions we honor you *
with the one sun blazing in our blood we honor you *
with the Earth shaking we honor you *
with the sky covered in rainbow bridges we honor you *
with silence we honor you *
with tears wet with loyalty and gratitude and grief like a crying cloud who lost a kin, we honor you *
with the presence of your fierce brilliance like an Arcturian sword in our hands we honor you *
with a banner of galactic culture raised around the one biosphere, we honor you *
with codes of time engraved in our mind, we honor you *
with the hug of our presence united in this family of awakening hearts -
one time one earth one people -
we honor you, forever...
Beloved José Argüelles
I will carry this torch
I have received from You
High and Bright...
I will carry this torch
I have received from You
High and Bright...
Eden Sky,
Red Self-Existing Skywalker
Eden Sky,
Red Self-Existing Skywalker
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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