Monday, November 8, 2010

Aura Festival this Weekend was AWESOME!

Aloha from the Beautiful Hawaiian Islands

As the Consciousness Shift occurs more swiftly I am delighted to see phenomenal gatherings all over the globe; live and via teleconferences and webcasts.  This past weekend, November 6 - 7, 2010 was yet another in a series of amazing events in Kyoto, Japan.  The One Peace Live Aura Festival ROCKED THE PLANET!

The powerful affirmation/intention for this worldwide event was:
"I am open to graciously receive Wisdom.  I join in celebration and prayer with other wisdom and faith traditions to help create a world of peace.  I fully and consciously claim the authority to fulfill my destiny in peace, wisdom and harmony in my life and in the world around me."
See the Promo YouTube below and relish the "Spirit of the Event."

Here's some info from the website of Common Passion:

"The One Peace Live Aura Festival is an Agon Shu event offering its participants the ability to receive the Buddha’s wisdom directly through the transmission of enlightened master, Kiriyama Kancho. Together with Grand Elder of the living Maya,Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj, also known as Wandering Wolf, they will offer a free, globally broadcasted sacred fire ceremony and a direct transmission of wisdom, light and peace at this most critical time for humanity. Participants do not need to be knowledgeable of Buddhist or Maya philosophy in order to participate.

"The first Aura Festival for world peace was held in 1984 by Agon Shu’s spiritual leader, Reverend Kiriyama Kancho, and His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama. This second Aura Festival will host sacred fire ceremony on November 7th in Kyoto, Japan at Agon Shu’s mountain temple. Both the Buddhist and the Maya spiritual leaders will transmit wisdom, light and the ability to create personal and world peace directly to participants around the world in a free live web-based video broadcast.

"The paths of these two great spiritual leaders, Kiriyama Kancho and Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj (Wandering Wolf), have been running parallel for over three decades. Both men received visions that a time in the future would come when humanity would reach a critical crossroad, with one path leading to destruction and another leading to the fulfillment of humanity’s greater destiny."

I feel blessed to have participated in this event remotely by lighting a candle at 6:00 pm Saturday night, (Aloha Time) and blessing our Sweat Lodge Fire to coordinate with the timing of the event in Japan.  We called that our energies be aligned with those in Japan.  ...And so it was!

What a hot sweat lodge it was too.  Truly Beautiful and Powerful beyond belief...

The power of Peace and Light are shining ever brighter in our world.  Let's continue to embody our Highest Shining!

With Love, Joy, and Gratitude in my heart,
Amber Blissin' Out in Paradise

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Conscious Convergence was AWESOME!

 Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui!

Wow, what a fabulous weekend of ceremony ~ even though I did have to awaken at 4 am to participate LIVE on the calls.  The timing for this Conscious Convergence Global Gathering(s) was right on target and has already had major impact.  I can FEEL the shift in energy.  In a word...AWESOME!

I have been a follower and living by the Mayan Calendar for over 8 years now, and it is exciting to see the positive buzz about this amazing tool.  I've had the pleasure and honor to meet and work personally (lectures and ceremony) with Hunbatz Men, whose family have been the keepers of the calendar for centuries.

I have been working with the Jose Arguilles model for 8 years, and totally LOVE the 13 moon calendar which he has inspired.  In fact, we are winding down this year on 7-24-10 (Gregorian) ~ and what an amazing Yellow Seed Year it has been too.  July 25th is the Day out of Time and an amazing full moon.  And we will begin the New Year on July 26th in this system.  This will be a Red Overtone Moon, and my next post will make ordering available.

Recently (I'd say in the past 4-5 months) I have been introduced to another system and time line/system via Carl Calleman.  Carl was the one to put the call to the collective for the Conscious Convergence.  And, OMG it ROCKED THE PLANET!  (More like the

Check out Carl's YouTube on this powerful window of time...

It was fabulous to be on the call and participate in Carl's Tree of Life Ceremony via phone with hundreds of others.

Here's a shot of my Mayan 20 Count Medicine Wheel with the Tree of Life in the Center from Ceremony which I performed on Maui this morning.  BIG FUN!

There's also lots more about the event on my personal blog from yesterday.  

I'll be back with more links and goodies soon...

~ Amber Blissin Out on Maui

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yellow Sun Wavespell ~ Guided by Universal Fire!

Yellow Sun ~ 0/20

Think for a moment about the power of the Sun. All life on this planet exists because of Grandfather Sun. If his light goes out the screen will read GAME OVER!

In the Mayan 20 Count (which I live my life by) 0 represents nothing and everything ~ the void. On the Mayan Calendar I follow there are 20 Solar Tribes ~ archetypes which are keys for human evolution. Yellow Sun is tone 20 - the end.

...And yet, it is the beginning too. It takes us back to zero (the TRUE power of the Universe). Hence, the term "things come full circle". Sun represents the alpha and the omega ~ the zero and the 20.

We have entered the 13 day wavespell ~ Yellow Sun guided by Universal Fire

Surf this wave of cosmic energy which runs from Tuesday, May 18 through Sunday, May 30 (Gregorian Calendar).

Here are the keywords for this energy:
Enlightens - Universal Fire - Life

My friends at Skytime say it best...
"Yellow Sun provokes us to honor the Solar Life Force that sustains our Planetary Whole. As our local star, the Sun is the lens through which we receive radiant emanations of energy/information transmitted from the center of the galaxy (Hunab Ku). Let us receive the majesty of this Universal Fire, that it may ignite and enlighten our inner Sun - our internal source of Divine Light. May we awaken to the precious reality of who we truly are - sparks of the same great fire of Life which illuminates eternity.

"Yellow Sun signifies both Zero and Twenty, presenting a union of formless potential ansd formed wholeness; nothingness and totality! Zero is empty so that it may hold everything. When we hold to nothing - no prides or fears - we consciously merge with life's Totality. By releasing all the layers of personal identification and conditioning, we can rest in the sacred emptiness of our essence - pure Life!

"Foregoing the attainment of concepts of "enlightenment" we discover our True Nature is enlightened. Let us release the striving for betterment, and accept the awesome actuality that already is! Allow the universal fire to burn away doubt and debate. All questions are answered by the searing truth of that which we've always been - the zero; formless consciousness; wholeness."
~ Skytime

Receive the powerful light emanations from Grandfather Sun and shine your highest light at this time! The Cherokee (we trace back to the Maya) call it "Being in your Shining."

In'Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)

~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui

Friday, February 5, 2010

POWER AFFIRMATION ~ Yellow Warrior Wavespell

From the Beautiful Island of Maui!

Happy Aloha Friday ~ I want to make sure that you have the Power Affirmation for this Yellow Warrior 13-day Wavespell, guided by Intelligence. This affirmation is also known as the Galactic Signature or "Dreamspell" Affirmation for this energy or Tone.

Yellow Warrior Wavespell runs from
Feb 3 - Feb 15, 2010

Yellow Magnetic Warrior guided by Intelligence
Kin 196

"I Unify in order to Question
Attracting Fearlessness

I seal the Output of Intelligence

With the Magnetic tone of Purpose

I am guided by my own power doubled."

The above affirmation or Galactic Signature is the underlying energy for the 13 day wavespell. Each individual tone or kin during the 13 day wavespell has it's own affirmation too; and it is powerful to work with the overall and daily affirmations together.

Ride the wave and remember to question everything!

Amber Blissin' Out on Maui

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yellow Warrior Wavespell begins!

Aloha ~ today is a Yellow Magnetic Warrior day, guided by Intelligence (Kin 196). I love this energy ~ and am delighted that I get to bask in it for the next 13 days. Here's the "highlights" of Yellow Warrior. Pun intended :)


This 13-day wavespell will run from
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 through Monday, February 15, 2010
(Gregorian Calendar).

Direction: South (ripens)
Chakra: Throat
Body Access Point: left index toe
Number: 16


Here's what my friends at Skytime have to say about the Yellow Warrior Wavespell:

"The spirit of the Yellow Warrior invites us to: access divine guidance; circulate fresh analysis of our convictions to assure they represent our truths; confront uncharted terrain; exercise keen awareness; embrace challenge by recognizing it as the ever--present gift of growth; understand obstacles as opportunities to strengthen ourselves; apply mindfulness, precision, and will; question all appearances, reference points and information to gain deeper insight and intelligence; question and confront fears in order to release their hold and transcend them; apply one-pointed focus and determination in cautiously proceeding towards goals while remaining unweighted by expectations.

"A warrior's strength is in how She responds. How will you channel the power of the Yellow Warrior?

"The Yellow Warrior glyph symbol resembles as a shield, communicating: You are an agent of cosmic forces; be at home in the cosmic question mark; integrate the 3 forces of mind, will and spirit to pick up the staff of galactic empowerment!"

I LOVE this glyph ~ perhaps because I was trained in a warrior's shamanic tradition, and also because I am an information junkie, so the "guided by intelligence" part really sings to me. I also love that it resembles a question mark ( ? ).

Question everything! ...and most of all HAVE FUN.

~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loving the Full Moon


The Full Moon was exact at 8:18 pm tonight (Aloha Time on Maui). I heard it referred to as the "Wolf Full Moon" on a local station. Gotta do some research on that for two reasons; I'm an amateur astronomer and I carry "Wolf Medicine" from my Native American Tradition.

There has been a very "dreamy" energy for the past week or more. I'll bet it's due to the Blue Night Wavespell! See the previous post for more on that.

Hopefully you have been experiencing abundance, and it is peaking now (due to Full Moon). There's still some awesome "receiving time" until February 3rd, when we begin the Yellow Warrior 13-day wavespell.

Working with the Moon cycles this year as well as the Hawaiian Tide Calendar is already proving to be an interesting study, and not at all what I expected. I'll keep you pun intended!

In'Lakech (You are another myself in Mayan)
~ Blissin' Out on Maui

Saturday, January 23, 2010

13 Days of Abundance ~ Blue Night Wavespell


The version of the Mayan Calendar which I follow has now moved into a Blue Night Wavespell for 13 days. Blue Night is guided by Abundance. This is a "Power Window" to manifest abundance, as we will be working in alignment with cosmic energy.

The 13 day wavespell will run from: Thursday, January 21, 2010 through Tuesday, February 2, 2010
(Gregorian Calendar)

The energy began with a Blue Magnetic Night, and the keywords of this energy are: Dreams, Abundance and Intuition. The number is 3, Direction is west for transformation, the chakra is the solar plexus, and the body access point is the right ring finger.

Here is what Eden Sky of Skytime says about Blue Night energy.

"Blue Night represents enclosing darkness: the place of mystery; the sanctuary of inner self. The code "Dream" offers the perspective that the living Universe is fluid and malleable; unlimited creative intelligence which shape-shifts in response to our inner perceptions. Likewise, all that we encounter and everyone around us are dream figures within our dream - reflecting both conscious and unconscious parts of our Self. What are you "dreaming up" in your life? We have the ability to awaken at any moment and lucidly dream our waking reality! As we let go of rationale and find trust in our intuition, we access abundant inner resources to uniquely guide our journey through infinite dreamscapes.

"Blue Night is directly associated with redeeming materialism by honoring the ever-present abundance of the Universe's gifts. True wealth is not found in acquisition of material goods, but rather is revealed as the treasure of gratitude - acknowledging the blessing of plentitude that already exists. This heartfelt energy magically attracts that which fulfills our desires and dreams."

I have been trained by a Dreamer's Medicine Society, and strongly urge you to dream your dreams awake NOW! As a Cherokee descendant (we trace back to the Maya), we view all of life as a dream ~ the waking dream and the sleeping dream. The trick is to awaken in both dream states, become lucid, and then step into controlled dreaming to literally Dream your dream(s) awake!

Aloha for now, and Sweet Dreams...

Amber Blissin' Out on Maui

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wanna Change Your Life? Change Your Calendar!

Yes, that is a strong statement. I have personally been on the Mayan Calendar for 8 Gregorian Years (the calendar we use in America).

I would say the greatest change I have seen in those years ~ is an entirely heightened awareness of and harmonic resonance with "time". I seem to flow so much better with time as a result of working with a Natural Calendar.

In fact, I now know that I AM time. Sounds kinda Zen doesn't it?

My particular Mayan Calendar of Choice is based on 13 Moons and the Jose Arguelles Dreamspell Model. The emphasis here is that the old model of time 12:60 took us (the collective of humanity) into "Time is Money" and an unnatural system of time keeping. Jose refers to it as "The Memory Virus".

The 13:20 Mayan Calendar takes us into the new paradigm of 4th dimension radial time and "Time is Art". Sweet, huh?

How changing your calendar can change your life...

Many people the world over have just celebrated "New Years" ~ indeed 2010AD is still fresh upon us. The Mayan Calendar begins on July 26th of each Gregorian Year and runs through July 24th. July 25th is known as the "Day Out of Time", and is a day for feasting, music, art and celebration.

So for example ~ we are currently in a Yellow Self-Existing Seed Year ~ which runs from 7/26/09 through 7/24/10. So, from the Mayan Calendar perspective this is NOT a New Year.

Granted, this takes a little getting used to, but that's why it's called change! =)

This is a Power Time! Think for a moment of the power of a seed. The tiniest acorn holds the mighty oak within it. That is the type of quantum power that is available to us this year. I invite you to be the mighty tree that is inside your seed.

From my Cherokee Teachings (who trace back to the Maya), we are known as "Human Flowering Trees". Trees are sacred to the Mayans as well, which I will go into detail about in a future post.

Here are some words about the Seed energy from my favorite 13 Moon Mayan Calendar:

"Seeds represent the miracle of life - symbolic of the living power of potential residing within all of us, waiting to be released into action. They demonstrate the creative intelligence of growth, revealing that majestic manifestation is lurking in the tiniest component!

"Yellow Seed invites us to target what we wish to have flourish in our lives, that we may plant seeds with intention and precision. Once properly seeded and given supportive conditions, the natural process of flowering unfolds, bringing its beauty and riches.

"Our very lives are the gardens of our awareness! By deepening our subtle perceptions we find that the realm of self-awareness is vast and endless. Each new layer of self-insight facilitates a refinement of perception and therefore action. May the flowering of human consciousness ripen from within."

The key is to target your dreams ~ go for what you truly desire; and take timely, inspired action in the direction of your passions.

To facilitate people having the opportunity to test drive the NEW calendar, I am having a sale on my favorite calendar. Check out the link below for a 10% savings!

To call this a mere calendar is definitely an understatement. This full color gem details the entire year (13 moons), as well as MAJOR INFO on the Mayan Calendar and how it works, instructions to calculate your Galactic Signature, POWER DAYS to plan ahead for, and artwork that will inspire you!

~ In Lake’ch: Mayan for “I am another yourself” and principle of universal love.

~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Journey of 1000 miles begins with just 1 step...

Aloha from the Beautiful Island of Maui!

This is my first post of 2010 ~ and my first post in this space period. It is truly my pleasure to be right here right now!

I have begun a site (well, if 1 page counts as a site), and would like to paste up what I have over there. Here goes...

Cool, huh?

I suppose one of the things I'd like to say here is that I am a firm believer in 12-22-2012 being the dawn of A Golden Age for Humanity. I DO NOT see it as being the end of the world, or any of the dooms day philosophies which are abounding now.

From working with the calendar for 8 years (Gregorian time), I know that 12-21-2012 is the end of predicted time and cycles.

...and for that I am grateful!!

The countdown toward personal and planetary excellence is on ~ and I am so excited about what is here and what's coming...

~ Amber Blissin' Out on Maui